Stout's Reviews

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I was told this movie was a good movie by my friend who works at the video store. He says every movie is good. I take his reviews with a grain of salt. I had no idea what this movie was about. And I don't like Sandra Bullock at all - that's one of the reasons I never wanted to see this movie. She's not the main character - nobody is. It's one of those movies with a million different side plots that all come together.

I'll sum it up for you. It's all about racial prejudices.

This movie is one of those movies that elicits emotions.

I'll be honest. It pissed me off and it made me cry. Yes, I cried. A few times. Actually, more than any movie that I have ever seen. The first time I saw Gladiator and Braveheart I cried (I won't admit to crying the subsequent 100 times I've seen those movies, but those are two of my top 20 movies for damn sure - probably top 5) but this movie did it a few times...on different levels.

I can't really write up too much of a review on it - I don't want to spoil anything. Usually, I wouldn't care and I would spoil the hell out of it. But this is just one of those movies I think everyone needs to see. And I think they need to see it without any pre-conceived notions on what it is about and without any spoilers.

Acting - top notch.
Plot - awesome.
Soundtrack - fitting.

I give this movie whatever the highest rating I can possibly give a movie.

If you actually read these reviews - go out and rent it. All I can say is that I'm glad that I saw this alone. It would have sucked for me to have watched this with anyone know, because I'm a strong masculine man and movies don't affect me and stuff.

I watched this movie while I was cleaning and now I'm sitting here, not cleaning at all, and just watching it. I say fuck it to the cleaning. This movie was worth the possible embarrassment at how dirty my house is.

Good movie. Great movie. See it.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Wicker Park

So who'd have thought that my first review would be about a movie that isn't in my "genre" of expertise. There was no killing, no explosions, no unnecessary violence, no gratuitous nudity...basically, almost nothing I would put down for a requisite for a movie that I would like. I do like good movies, though. And this was a good movie.

To be honest - the first half of the movie didn't really hold my attention. I got kind of bored with how it was going and I thought that everyone was insane in this movie. I loaded up and started playing some Texas Hold 'Em. In the middle of my winning streak in poker I realized that the movie was actually getting good.

It turns out I was right, almost. Almost everyone was insane. The way they did the movie with a bunch of flashbacks was interesting. Though it almost made me want to have a heart attack while watching it - it did make the movie a little more interesting.

After watching the movie it made me reflect and think "You know, I bet that happens a lot." There is a bit of realism in the movie, of course exaggerated, as I seriously doubt anything like this movie happens on a regular basis, but it is plausible.

It's definitely a chick flick...and sometimes I do like them (oh my god, am I gay? Nope.).

Maybe I'll figure out how I plan to rate movies in my reviews...but this was a "pretty good movie" - maybe....7 out of 10? Whatever I decide to rate it I am not pissed that I spent money to rent it. Probably would have been better to watch with a woman...but what isn't? (Except when the woman complains about unnecessary violence in a Jet Li or Steven Segal movie, of course)

Friday, September 02, 2005

What this is for

I am going to review the books and movies and whatever else I think I need to comment on here instead of my main blog, where I mostly just be sarcastic. I can't promise that I won't be sarcastic here, but I am just going to review whatever I am interested in on this blog. I guess I am trying to separate my blogs into different categories...we will se how that works.